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July 14, 2016

MSU experts can discuss party conventions, election issues

Republicans kick off their national convention in Cleveland on July 18, Democrats follow in Philadelphia on July 25, and Michigan State University has experts who can discuss a host of hot-button issues leading up to the Nov. 8 presidential election.

Matt Grossmann can discuss gun control and politcs, and can address differences in the parties’ public presentations and internal organization; changes over time in party platforms and convention speech rhetoric (he has data going back to 1948 on what they say); and platforms, rules and delegation fights.

Grossmann can also discuss whether presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump will change the GOP, the potential effect of Bernie Sanders and his would-be voters on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and whether there will be any “coups” at the conventions.

Grossmann is associate professor of political science and director of MSU’s Institute for Public Policy and Social Research. He can be reached at (517) 884-8640, cell (517) 281-5155 or 

More MSU experts follow. For a longer list of experts, visit here.

Lisa Cook, associate professor of economics and international relations, can discuss economic issues as they relate to the election. She can be reached at (517) 432-7106 or

Corwin Smidt, associate professor of political science, can discuss party nomination politics. The best way to reach him is by email,

Sarah Reckhow, assistant professor of political science, can discuss national education issues, including the Democratic Party platform and ways that it may signal a shift in education policy away from policies advanced by the Obama administration. She can be reached at (517) 432-0028 or