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Feb. 8, 2022

Building on history

A look at some of MSU's oldest structures

Recognized as one of the most beautiful college campuses, Michigan State University is widely known as a Tree Campus. We pay homage to our beloved trees. And rightfully so. But what about the buildings?

Many  campus buildings are making bold statements in terms of design and sustainability, like the new STEM Teaching and Learning Facility that provides Spartans with spaces that inspire innovation and creativity.

While Michigan State’s campus continues to make way for new builds, many original campus buildings have gone through beautiful renovations and stand tall, adding a classic, vintage charm as they claim their places in MSU’s story. 

This story was inspired by Annie Dubois’ original “A Historic Peek into MSU’s 10 Oldest Buildings.” All historical photographs are courtesy of Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections; modern photographs by Derrick L. Turner.

By: Beth Brauer, Annie Dubois and Kelsie Lane