Ordinary becomes extraordinary when you take time to appreciate little details, like how golden hour light hitting the side of Olds Hall reveals intricate dentil molding along its roof. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Members of the MSU community gathered at Demonstration Hall Field on Tuesday to rally for peace in Ukraine, organized by the MSU Ukrainian Students Organization. Photo by Nick Schrader.
A Spartan holds a bright yellow sunflower, symbolizing peace in Ukraine. In tough times like these, remember that our will shines brightest when we come together in pursuit of a better world for all. Photo by Nick Schrader.
Sparty joined the welcoming committee to celebrate the opening of McLaren Health Care’s new campus within the University Health Park, part of a collaboration between MSU and McLaren Greater Lansing. The facility includes a 240-bed hospital, a multi-specialty outpatient care center and a Karmanos Cancer Institute in partnership with MSU Health Care. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Pillars in the Benefactor’s Plaza highlight the impact that MSU’s donors have made in support of MSU’s mission. If you are interested in supporting MSU student and campus initiatives, there’s no better time than Give Green Day. Join Spartans near and far on Tuesday, March 15, in making a difference in the lives of current and future Spartans. Photo by Emilie Lorditch.
The striking form of Beaumont Tower, set against the rich colors of sunset, evokes the memory of a serene evening on campus. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
A Theatre 101 student strikes a pose while rehearsing in the classroom. A good actor always knows when the camera is rolling! Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
A student creates some behind-the-scenes magic in the Department of Theatre Performing Arts Teaching Laboratory, more casually known as the scene shop. The scene shop provides more than 9,000 square feet of space for Department of Theatre students to create props and build sets for theatrical productions. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Three students descend the staircase of Olds Hall, ready to celebrate after finishing a midterm exam. We wish all Spartan students good luck and great grades, as well as a happy and healthy spring break! Photo by Derrick L. Turner.