Jan. 17, 2019
In life, sometimes the path ahead is straight, clear and smooth. If you’re lucky enough to find yourself on one of those paths, by all means, take it – they are few and far between. More likely, the roads are filled with twists, turns, setbacks and uncertainty. The best anyone can do is to keep moving forward with unwavering determination and hope for an end that makes the journey worth it.
As Spartans, that’s exactly what we do. Through sheer force of will we keep going, hoping that better tomorrows are just around the corner. Lately, for many of us, the path forward seemed uncertain and the journey very rough. For me, it felt like I had been holding my breath waiting for the chance to collectively move onward instead of scattering in different directions. For we all know, Spartans are stronger together.
Today, I let that breath out. I feel a renewed spirit of community dedicated to healing, supporting, transforming and charting new paths for a stronger MSU. While the road will be anything but smooth, for there is much work to be done, I think we’re all ready to see what’s around the next turn. When I think about the incredible Spartans I know, the life-changing things they are doing and the power we have to change the world, I have no doubt that the journey will definitely be worth it. #SpartansWill
Lisa Mulcrone
Editor, MSUToday@LMulcrone
Photo by Derrick L. Turner