MSU earned gold-level recognition in the Exercise is Medicine on Campus program, a U.S.-based health initiative coordinated by the American College of Sports Medicine. EIM recognized 24 colleges and universities around the world for participating in the program, with only seven schools receiving gold status.
This highest level of recognition is earned by promoting and generating awareness of the health benefits of physical activity, engaging students, faculty and staff in EIM education initiatives and building a system where students may be referred to a fitness professional as part of medical treatment.
The awards were given as part of the 2015 EIM World Congress, held in conjunction with the ACSM’s annual meeting earlier this year.
Some of the programs and events that helped MSU achieve this status included the Rock, Walk n’ Roll 5K, I-Like-Brainz zombie walk, campus walking loops, neighborhood group fitness classes and much more.
“Each of these campuses has made a difference at their school by making health a priority,” said Carena Winters, chair of the Exercise is Medicine program. “These college and university leaders are making movement a part of the daily campus culture and providing students the tools necessary to strengthen healthy physical activity habits that will benefit them throughout their life.”