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March 17, 2011

Faculty conversations: Daniel Gould

Sports and physical activities hold more benefits than just health and fitness. Daniel Gould works to help kids involved in sports learn life skills and ultimately develop into better kids.

Gould, a professor of kinesiology, is the director of the Institute for the Study of Youth Sports. The institute has been conducting research about the benefits young people get from sport. Research shows that coaches who create caring climates help sport participants develop beneficial life skills such as leadership, teamwork and listening.

Focusing primarily in the graduate program, Gould teaches classes dealing with sport psychology. His classes focus on teaching students, such as high school teacher coaches, about maximizing personal development through sport.

“I love sport, and just figuring out ways to help a lot of young people and have better sport experiences is great,” Gould said. “I focus on how to make sport a tool and teach kids from that sport participation.”


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