Osteopathic students and best friends Daphne Samuel, from Troy, Michigan, who matched at Cleveland Clinic, and Amy Baier, from Allen Park, Michigan, who matched in neurology at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow, met at the college during their second year of medical school and stayed “attached at the hip” throughout. That support system, as well as that provided by MSUCOM faculty, staff and other students, powered them through to Match Day, where they celebrated together.
“I’m a first-generation college student and I’m the first person in my family to go to medical school,” Baier said. “A lot of this process, you kind of feel like you’re just bumbling through. I feel like MSU always broke things down into components — ‘If I can just get through this hurdle, I can get to the next point.’”
These sentiments were shared by Samuel.
"MSU was a place, for me, that brought so much joy," Samuel said. "There were amazing friendships, amazing support systems. Shoutout to the advising community — Brooke-Lynne Vij saved my butt so many times! It's definitely a 'Thank you, Jesus' moment. I couldn't have gotten here without the support of my family and friends, but certainly my faith as well."
Read more about the D.O. Match Day students, celebrations and results.