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March 26, 2025

MSU medical students celebrate Match Day 2025 across Michigan

Every March, thousands of fourth-year medical students across the country look forward to opening one very special envelope. The letter inside will tell them where they will spend the next several years completing their training.

After months of applications, interviews and sleepless nights considering and ranking their preferred residency programs, 480 Spartan students from the colleges of Osteopathic Medicine and Human Medicine recently learned which hospital, specialty and city they would call home starting July 1.

Infographic showcasing Match Day 2025 outcomes for MSU medical students.
Match Day 2025 for MSU medical students

Cheers and tears as College of Osteopathic Medicine students celebrate

More than 700 guests honored students from the College of Osteopathic Medicine in Novi, Michigan. The class of 2025 celebrated a 98% match rate with students going into 25 specialties, including anesthesiology, dermatology, family medicine, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology and more. A total of 67% will stay in Michigan for their residency.

D.O. students and best friends Daphne Samuel and Amy Baier celebrate their matches for residency on national Match Day. Photos courtesy of the College of Osteopathic Medicine.
D.O. students and best friends Daphne Samuel and Amy Baier celebrate their matches for residency on national Match Day. Photos courtesy of the College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Osteopathic students and best friends Daphne Samuel, from Troy, Michigan, who matched at Cleveland Clinic, and Amy Baier, from Allen Park, Michigan, who matched in neurology at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow, met at the college during their second year of medical school and stayed “attached at the hip” throughout. That support system, as well as that provided by MSUCOM faculty, staff and other students, powered them through to Match Day, where they celebrated together.

“I’m a first-generation college student and I’m the first person in my family to go to medical school,” Baier said. “A lot of this process, you kind of feel like you’re just bumbling through. I feel like MSU always broke things down into components — ‘If I can just get through this hurdle, I can get to the next point.’”

These sentiments were shared by Samuel.

"MSU was a place, for me, that brought so much joy," Samuel said. "There were amazing friendships, amazing support systems. Shoutout to the advising community — Brooke-Lynne Vij saved my butt so many times! It's definitely a 'Thank you, Jesus' moment. I couldn't have gotten here without the support of my family and friends, but certainly my faith as well."

Read more about the D.O. Match Day students, celebrations and results.

The College of Human Medicine celebrates 99.5% residency placement

Joined by family and friends, the MSU College of Human Medicine class of 2025 gathered across the college’s eight statewide campuses to celebrate the milestone and learned where they will begin residency training.

At the Upper Peninsula Campus Match Day event, Karmyn Vickery celebrates her upcoming pediatric residency at Corewell Health in Grand Rapids. Photo courtesy of MSU College of Human Medicine UP Campus.
At the Upper Peninsula Campus Match Day event, Karmyn Vickery celebrates her upcoming pediatric residency at Corewell Health in Grand Rapids. Photo courtesy of MSU College of Human Medicine UP Campus.

“[This] is the sum of hard work early in the morning and late at night, finding resilience within myself when challenges set in, and keeping the spark that got me here burning bright,” said Karmyn Vickery, a student from the Upper Peninsula Campus. On Friday, she discovered she matched at Corewell Health in Grand Rapids. 

“My career in pediatrics begins today,” said Vickery. “I’m looking forward to making a difference in lives of children and their families.” 

This year, an impressive 99.5% of graduating seniors secured residency placements and 59% will remain in Michigan.  Nearly 40% of seniors will be heading into primary care. The top five specialty placements include emergency medicine (15%), internal medicine (15%), family medicine (14.4%), psychiatry (9.4%) and surgery (7.2%). 

Read more about the CHM Match Day students, celebration and results.

By: Amy Nienhouse, Terri Hughes-Lazzell, E. LaClear and Dalin Clark

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