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Oct. 21, 2024

‘Unparalleled’: Spartans lead research for a sustainable Michigan

MSU’s W.K. Kellogg Biological Station serves as a hub for groundbreaking research in ecology, evolution, agriculture and environmental sustainability that benefits the state and beyond

When she was an undergraduate student in Washington state, Christine Sprunger knew she wanted to study sustainable agriculture. While searching online for graduate programs that focused on the subject, one university stood out almost immediately, and it was mostly for a specific research site she knew she had to learn more about: Michigan State University and its W.K. Kellogg Biological Station.

A portrait of Christine Sprunger, who wears black-framed glasses and a black sweater
Christine Sprunger. Courtesy photo

Located in Hickory Corners — tucked between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek — Kellogg Biological Station, or KBS, is MSU’s largest off-campus education complex and one of North America’s premier inland field stations. Located about 65 miles from MSU’s East Lansing campus, the 4,500-acre station includes the W.K. Kellogg Bird SanctuaryW.K. Kellogg FarmKBS Academic and Research FacilitiesW.K. Kellogg Conference Center and Manor House, and Lux Arbor Reserve. The nearby W.K. Kellogg Experimental Forest is also closely affiliated with KBS.

This premier site for field experimental research in aquatic and terrestrial ecology, evolution and sustainable agriculture welcomes graduate students and researchers from the MSU community as well as from other universities across the globe, who conduct research across the agricultural spectrum. Which was why Sprunger was interested.

She applied and was accepted, doing her graduate work both on MSU’s East Lansing campus and at KBS. Soon, she had earned her doctorate and was off to Columbia University for a fellowship before taking a faculty role at Ohio State University. MSU and KBS were still on her mind, however, and, in 2022, she accepted a faculty role at KBS.

Now an associate professor of soil health in MSU’s Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sprunger is thrilled to be at KBS. “It’s a dream location to be a soil scientist who focuses on sustainable agriculture,” she says. “The immense history at KBS is unparalleled, especially when it comes to long-term research.”

Plus, Sprunger has found that KBS is the perfect companion to MSU’s East Lansing campus. Not only is it a space for research and teaching for the university community, but KBS also plays a role in its local community while also making an impact statewide, nationally and globally.

A unique and historic space

“We like to call KBS a research platform,” says Jeffrey Conner, the interim director of KBS. “People from all over MSU and other universities are able to come to KBS to conduct research.”

A portrait of Jeffrey Connor wearing a navy suit with a blue shirt and read tie
Jeff Connor. Photo courtesy Kellogg Biological Station

Conner came to MSU in 1996 and holds appointments both at KBS and in the Department of Plant Biology, in addition to serving as core faculty in the Department of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior. He heads the Conner Lab at KBS, where he leads a research program that studies the mechanisms of natural selection in plants that enable adaptations to variable environments as well as constraints on this process.

He, like many who spend time at KBS, is grateful that MSU and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation have invested in the infrastructure to enable its use by multiple labs.

“We’re a founding member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations,” says Conner. “But most research at those other field stations goes on in the summertime. We’re a year-round facility.” It’s thanks to MSU’s long history at KBS that research is possible in the fall, winter and spring, too.

In 1927, W. K. Kellogg, of cereal company fame, donated the land and properties that would become the Kellogg Biological Station. Kellogg was an early 20th-century entrepreneur who believed that people should use their gifts and knowledge to help others. He was also an environmentalist who understood the importance of preserving the land and its resources.

Per that credo, the mission of KBS is to “increase our understanding of natural and managed ecosystems and their linkages to society.”

Decades of discovery

The work being done at KBS has a wide-ranging impact. A recent research study shows insecticides are driving butterfly loss. Scientists are using drones to investigate sustainable agriculture techniques. It hosts one of the few NSF-funded Long-Term Ecological Research sites in the country focused on agricultural ecosystems. This research has been going on for more than 35 years and has been pivotal in understanding the impact of agricultural practices on biodiversity, soil health and water quality, contributing significantly to the field of sustainable agriculture. The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary is home to several birds of prey that can’t return to the wild due to injuries, including two bald eagles, Nimikii (Thunder) and Waasimowin (Lightning), who were named by Native American students participating in the 2024 Michigan Indian Leadership Program.

The nearly 4,500 acres that make up the site includes a variety of natural habitats such as woodlands, wetlands, prairies, agricultural lands, and freshwater ecosystems. With 13 faculty members who have appointments in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or the College of Natural Science, more than 40 graduate students and postdoctoral research associates, as well as numerous specialists and support staff, KBS is renowned for its work in ecology, evolutionary biology and sustainable agriculture.

Sprunger’s research focuses on sustainability. She says being at a place that has had research going on for so long is vital to the work she’s able to do. Many studies may take three to five years, but Sprunger’s work at KBS can pull from studies dating back as far as 30 years when inspecting soil health. “You might miss the outcome of an experiment or study if you only have a few years,” Sprunger says. “But when you have 30-plus years, you really begin to see that, ‘Oh, wait, it takes 10-plus years for something to really pay off.’”

Her current research examines how perenniality and plant diversity impact soil biodiversity and nutrient cycling in agricultural fields. Being able to compare soil samples taken decades apart allows her to see how big of an impact certain plants or crops may have on soil health.

Sprunger is one of many MSU faculty members who understands that KBS is a special place for research.

A portrait of Brook Wilke wearing a quarter-zip sweater over a blue-checkered shirt
Brook Wilke. Courtesy photo

“It is unique for a field station to have both ecology and agriculture so highly valued and highly represented,” says Brook Wilke, who is the associate director of the KBS Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Program, or LTAR. The site is part of the LTAR Network established by the United States Department of Agriculture to develop national strategies for the sustainable intensification of agricultural production. Wilke also served as farm manager from 2013 to 2020. “We have plenty of water, we have forests, we have prairies, and we have agriculture fields, so there are many opportunities for research and education.”

Plus, Wilke explains, KBS is a place ripe with ideas. Thanks to resident faculty, graduate students and staff working in labs, KBS nurtures a diverse community —  from both a cultural and academic perspective. “Someone might be an expert in evolution, somebody might be in agriculture, somebody might be an aquatic scientist,” says Wilke. “The community is diverse, but everybody comes together and supports each other.”

One example of that support is visible during the weekly colloquiums that take place during the academic year. “I think these in-house talks are one of the most important things we do here,” says Conner. Each week, a graduate or postdoctoral student gives an informal presentation on their research to the 30 or so faculty members and other graduate students that are at KBS that day. And each week, there’s a lot of constructive feedback. “The discussions get spirited at points,” Conner says, noting how involved and excited everyone at KBS is to make a difference with their research.

The community extends beyond MSU, as well. “I think what sets us apart is we also have a strong commitment to outreach and making sure that we’re really connecting with not only the local community, but also society at large,” Sprunger says.  

A collage of two photos, the one on the left shows Maggie Jones in front a poster explaining her work at the Kellogg Biological Station, the right photo shows Maggie Jones working with tools in a corn field
Maggie Jones spent two summers at the Kellogg Biological Station. Here, she presents a poster (left) and works in the field (right). Courtesy photos

KBS supports student success

Faculty and researchers are not the only Spartans who take advantage of all that KBS has to offer. Undergraduate students can travel from East Lansing to participate in a number of undergraduate programs. Students in summer programs can live at KBS and gain a wide variety of field and lab research experiences, new friendships and professional references.

Maggie Jones is a senior planning to graduate in spring 2025 with a dual bachelor’s degree in plant biology and fisheries and wildlife with a concentration in conservation biology. Originally from Louisville, Jones came to MSU through the Alumni Distinguished Scholars program. The president of MSU’s Plant Biology Club, Jones spent the summer of 2022 at KBS as an undergraduate research apprentice and came back in the following summer for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.

“KBS offers an awesome opportunity for students with environmental-focused majors to get field research experience,” says Jones. “For many labs on campus, KBS also serves as a site to conduct field research during the semester.” During Jones’ first year on campus, she worked in a faculty member’s lab studying switchgrass. It was then she had her first experience at KBS helping with the switchgrass harvest and prescribed burns of switchgrass plots. She loved the experience, and knew she wanted to be more involved with the site. “It is always great to get your feet on the ground out in the field to put some context to your lab work.”

The work extends beyond undergraduate students, too. Data Nuggets is a program developed at KBS that provides free classroom activities, co-designed by scientists and teachers, to bring contemporary research and authentic data into K-12 classrooms nationally. It is available to educators through the Data Nuggets website.

Education is a vital part of the KBS experience. “We are doing hands-on, inquiry-based experiential learning,” says Conner. “We provide these really unique educational opportunities and students actually do research out in the field.”

For Jones, that unique opportunity has had a lasting impact. “My absolute favorite part of both summers was the vibrant community at KBS,” says Jones. “Everyone I worked with was super into their work and excited about mentoring young scientists.”

The Kellogg Biological Station is a stop on the 2024 Spartan Bus Tour. 


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By: Liam Boylan-Pett, Garret Morgan and Nick Schrader

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