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March 1, 2024

MSU begins document transfer process with Michigan attorney general’s office

Michigan State University, today, has initiated the process of transferring thousands of previously privileged documents related to the Larry Nassar investigation to the Michigan attorney general’s office.

The university is committed to a trauma-informed approach throughout this process. This includes working closely with the attorney general’s office to ensure the handling of the documents prioritizes confidentiality and privacy.

The document transfer process will happen in several batches as the documents become ready after appropriate review and redactions are completed. The first batch will be sent to the attorney general’s office today. The goal is to have this process completed in its entirety by the end of March.

As outlined in the Board of Trustees December 2023 resolution, the university is also actively implementing a comprehensive, trauma-informed plan that supports survivors who are impacted by the release of the documents.

Included in this plan is the establishment of a temporary specialized team that will help facilitate coordinated efforts between our campus partners that are instrumental in providing support to our survivor community and others who are impacted; this includes our Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup, Center for Survivors, MSU’s Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance and others.

Survivors and others who are impacted can reach out to this team directly at to request more information about what is happening with the documents, connect with the resources and support that are available and make suggestions regarding the release of the documents.

Furthermore, open lines of communication throughout this process are paramount. Updates related to the release of the documents will be available on Our Commitment.


By: Emily Guerrant

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