Jillian Lorenz is an MSU alum and an accomplished entrepreneur. After graduating from MSU in 2000 with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering, she built a career in business consulting before co-founding The Barre Code in 2010, a barre fitness company that quickly exploded to national recognition and success with its powerfully positive message of self-acceptance and personal growth. The Barre Code has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Inc., WSJ, Vogue, Self and ranked in the Entrepreneur Franchise 500 for four consecutive years. On Dec. 14, she addressed graduating students from the colleges of Arts and Letters, Business, Education, Music, Social Science, as well as James Madison College and the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities. She received an honorary doctor of business. Below is her speech.
Thank you President Guskiewicz, Interim Provost Jeitschko and Board of Trustees. What a gift it is to share this day with you. Congratulations, class of 2024, on a tremendous achievement.
You are your greatest investment and you earned this college education. Your accomplishment is to be shared with the people that have supported you along the way, family, friends, professors. Education is one of the greatest foundations for growth, setting the stage of a lifelong journey of learning.

When one chapter closes and another opens our minds are filled with uncertainty, fears of the unknown.
Our brains fire nearly 70,000 thoughts a day, of which 80% are negative, constant dialogue running, anticipating future events and what could go wrong, or analyzing the past, missing the most precious moment where all power and possibility exist…now.
What is the first thing we do in this life? We take a breath. What is the last thing we do in this life? We take a breath.
A tool given to us to cultivate presence, to calm our nervous system, and help us make the right choices. At its core, life is simply a series of inhales and exhales, each one a chance to connect, reset and align closer to who we truly are. Let’s connect to this life-changing moment together, with a few collective breaths. I invite you to close your eyes. Take a big breath filling the belly and lungs: inhale…. exhale…again...inhale…. exhale.
What if the only thing standing between you and your greatest potential is the courage to live your truth?
Each one of us has a light, a truth within. In every moment, with each thought, belief, or action, we are using our energy to either shrink and play small, or shine and expand. If we stay committed, using our Spartan will to make choices that allow our souls to shine, full power — our highest and greatest expression of self — regardless of what others think, and what is happening around us, we can, together, illuminate the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
When we are children, we live in our inner world. Full of curiosity and imagination, judgment-free of self or others, true dreamers — we believe in possibility.
I remember vividly, at the age of 5, sitting in the back of my parents' station wagon. I was born with a health condition, so as a child, I wore a patch on my eye, tape on my face, and thick glasses over it. I would hold a pretend microphone with conviction and lip sync Janet Jackson, imagining myself on stage singing and dancing, my two favorite things in life. Everyone passing would always be grinning ear to ear, of course laughing, but I thought they were affirming what I knew in my heart, that one day I was going to be on a Big Stage. I planted that seed and then let it go, because, well, I can’t sing. Yes, I would pack karaoke night at the RIV, reenacting Cher but not because I was a good singer, rather the comedy hour, but the seed was planted and the dream stayed alive in spirit. It’s not our job to figure out exactly how, why, when, or what it will look like, but to ALLOW… we need to trust there is something bigger always guiding us. I am living my childhood dream this morning, on stage with a mic, using my voice as inspiration.
Life is an unfolding, a journey with twists, turns, dead ends, disappointments and monumental moments that we strive to achieve, just like this morning. But as I look back, I can assure you the joy is in the process of the becoming, not the arrival.
You are at a crossroad right now. You may know your next move, or your future path may be unclear. It’s all OK. My passions were movement and music, but I graduated in the field of engineering because I was good at math. I'll never forget my last internship when I realized I do not want to do this. Knowing what you don’t want is as good as knowing what you do want, because you can change.
After graduating, I made a move toward business consulting and enjoyed it. I had a great 10-year career, worked hard, learned a lot, but something was still nagging in my soul… that childhood dream. The perfect storm happened. Boutique fitness was just starting, and I met my business partner. We would work out together and noted that every time we went to class, we were told to be smaller, less-than. Something I personally struggled with, and it started during my time here in East Lansing.
We had the idea to create a best-in-class fitness program and pioneer body positivity, creating a place for people to gain everything: strength, confidence, and love for themselves. Looking back, all of the connections align, even though I didn’t know it at the time. From my childhood dream, my passion for dance and music, to getting a degree in mechanical engineering because our body is the greatest machine, to changing course going into business consulting where I learned management and leadership, to my struggles with self-esteem, which drove my greater purpose to help others feel whole. Which ultimately led me to co-founding and scaling a national fitness franchise, where instructors use their voice, music, and movement to change lives for the better. I grew the business alongside my partner for 14 years, and then, again, decided to change. I am now teaching, guiding, and investing in the next generation of entrepreneurs to help them see their vision through.
Was making any of these changes easy? No. In each seat, I could see my life 5, 10, 15 years ahead. The comfortable thing to do was to stay right where I was, but when I closed my eyes, tuned inward, took a breath, there was this knowing… leap.
We have two guides within us: the voice in our mind, the inner critic, built by design to keep us safe. Early humans relied on this voice of caution to avoid danger and rejection—it was crucial for our survival and still is. But it is also the voice that spins out of control and tells us we are not good enough, to do it later, to stay small, makes us feel unworthy, it dims our light.
The other guide, the voice of truth—a knowing in our body, a quiet guidance that feels like it’s coming from something far greater than ourselves. It doesn’t shout, it doesn’t demand, it doesn't make you panic; instead, a whisper that gently nudges us in the direction of our truth.
Each one of us is unique, with a purpose that we are on a journey to rediscover. No path is the same, and no one way to get there. And no one path is greater than the others. We need all of us to live our purpose, on purpose.
We need teachers, writers, designers, accountants, engineers, business owners, athletes, songwriters, entrepreneurs, coaches, lawyers, actors, musicians, artists — we need all of it. All of us matter.
Life will throw unexpected twists your way, and failure is inevitable. There will be no’s, rejection, pain, and loss. But let me tell you, those detours shape you — they are where the magic happens. They often fast-track you back to your true path. The key, is to go inward, breathe, release fear and trust in your becoming.
Early in my career, I saw work and play as two separate buckets. But I’ve learned that it’s all just life. We’re meant to live on purpose, blending our passions to create a life that makes us feel truly alive.
Happiness and success aren’t achieved by wishing, but by taking small, daily, inspired actions. It’s the discipline that leads to the greatest victories. I’d like to offer a few principles that may help you stay aligned to your truth.
- Sit in Silence every day, even if only for a few minutes. Quiet the noise of the world, tame the inner critic, and connect to the essence of who you truly are.
- Be intentional with your thoughts. They have the power to create harmony or havoc—choose thoughts that uplift yourself and those around you.
- Before you speak, ask yourself: is it kind, is it truthful, is it useful?
- Treat your body and mind with love. They are the home to your soul and are your greatest tools for living fully.
- Own your energy—it’s your superpower. Bring the energy you want to feel into every space you enter. Bring joy, love, and happiness—don’t wait for others to make you feel it.
- Dream Bigger and Get Clear. Ask yourself: Who do I want to become? How would that version of me think, feel, and act? Then, begin to embody that vision every. single. day.
- Be bold. Risk being seen, take action, ask for what you want, celebrate your wins no matter how small, and embrace every. single. failure, they often lead to your biggest wins.
- Trust in yourself. You have everything you need within you to create the life you envision. The question isn't whether it’s possible, but whether you’ll commit to becoming the person who makes it so.
True success is never achieved in isolation. Community is the foundation for growth—whether it’s family, friends, or mentors, they help you see your strengths, push when you doubt, and celebrate as you rise. Together, we are stronger. You are now a part of an alumni family of over half a million worldwide. Lean on it.
In many ancient traditions, our bodies are seen as having energy centers — each with its own color, meaning, and purpose. It’s no coincidence: Green is the color of the energy center in the heart, symbolizing growth, love, and compassion. While White is the color associated with the energy center at the crown, representing higher consciousness, wisdom, and spiritual connection.
I’m not going to be singing for you this morning — don’t worry, no Cher — but I will leave you with this poem I composed, from me to each of you.
Beneath this Spartan Green gown, our hearts beat strong,
Home with a will unshaken, where all of us belong.
Connection to source, a White crown we all wear,
Leading with wisdom, curiosity, and hearts that care.
Life will twist, turn, and challenge our direction,
But Spartan Will never strays, it's not about perfection,
Each journey unique, moving us toward our true soul,
Is a path unfolding, with growth as the goal.
Green, the heart, where our purpose is known,
White, the crown, where our vision is grown.
Together we stand tall, united and bright,
In Spartan colors—our strength, our light.
So, as we rise, let our hearts guide the way,
With resilience and courage, come what may.
For in Green and White, we forge our true path,
Making a difference in the world, never looking back.
Let our Colors guide us, lead with your heart,
Be open and willing as you embark on a new start,
Moving forward one breath at a time,
With a will that is Spartan Strong and uniquely divine!
Congratulations, class of 2024! GO GREEN!