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May 15, 2024

Doctoral student to empower African female graduate students with fellowship

Olamide Ogungbemi was leading equity efforts in education long before she enrolled in the Michigan State University Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Ph.D program two years ago. Born and raised in Nigeria, she held a series of leadership and instructional positions at non-profits centered on teaching young women and seasoned professionals how to use technology and integrate their skills into business.

Olamide Ogungbemi

After recently finishing her second year as a Spartan, the momentum hasn’t stopped.

In April, she was selected to join the Michigan State University Graduate School‘s 2024-2025 Leadership Fellows program — a one-year, cohort-based program empowering graduate students to lead change-oriented projects with a focus on community. Her project set to be finalized in the coming months — ideally will be geared towards supporting members of the MSU African Female Student Empowerment Program, providing them with professional development opportunities and mentorship opportunities.

For the full story, visit the College of Education's website..

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