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April 15, 2024

Vision 2050 comprehensive facilities and land use plan a key component in MSU 2030 strategic plan

On this episode of MSU Today, a conversation on progress and implementation of a key objective in the Stewardship and Sustainability theme of the MSU 2030 strategic plan. The strategic plan calls for a new University Comprehensive Facilities and Land Use Plan that embeds diversity, equity, and inclusion; faculty, staff, and student success; and sustainable health in the physical environment of MSU’s campuses and facilities.
Bill Beekman is MSU’s vice president for strategic initiatives. He oversees the implementation of the strategic plan. Steve Troost is the campus planner in Infrastructure Planning and Facilities and played a key role in the development of Vision 2050, an integrated facilities and land use plan for MSU. Beekman and Troost talk about Vision 2050’s place in MSU 2030.

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