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Dec. 8, 2023

Student view: Creating a great environment for students at MSU

Hannah Jeffrey

Hannah Jeffery is the president of the Council of Graduate Students and was a member of the presidential search committee, and she shared this statement welcoming Kevin Guskiewicz, MSU president-elect.

I would like to acknowledge the Board of Trustees for making an effort to build and maintain a very diverse presidential search committee.

At all times during the search process, I felt listened to and respected when I gave my opinion. I believe that the MSU Board of Trustees made the best possible decision when selecting Dr. Guskiewicz to be the next president of Michigan State University.

When I reviewed his credentials, he stood out to me as a thoughtful, qualified individual with a great attitude toward higher education and leadership. I am very happy to begin working with him to create a great environment for graduate and professional students at MSU.

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