As students head into the last few weeks of the semester, the relaxing sights and sounds of the Red Cedar River provide the ideal atmosphere for a productive, yet peaceful, study session. Photo by Nick Schrader.
A member of Landscape Services clears a path of stray leaves. With more than 120 miles of pedestrian walkways and sidewalks on campus, that’s no simple task! Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Bunches of mums bring cheer to a chilly autumn day in the Benefactors Plaza. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Though Friday’s game ended football season for the year, we’re eagerly awaiting next year’s opening game. With Jonathan Smith selected as MSU’s new head coach, we’re excited to see what the next era of Spartan football can achieve. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
A cluster of colorful leaves rests atop a campus path. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Branches of a campus tree are flocked with countless yellow leaves. Photo by Nick Schrader.
Like what you're seeing? If you have any suggestions for campus subjects or locations to be featured in the Week in Photos, please email us at