Michigan State University researchers are teaming with eight partner institutions to advance climate science across the Midwest. The new center, hosted by the University of Minnesota, is the ninth regional U.S. Geological Survey Climate Adaptation Science Center.
These teams of world-renowned scientists are strategically located, lending expertise on a variety of natural resources topics to specific regions of the country. CASCs are studying widespread challenges, from conservation and invasive species to wildfire and drought. The goal is to conduct leading research that yields actionable results, and to communicate those findings with governments and natural resources agencies.
The Midwest CASC covers the Great Lakes — the world’s largest freshwater system — the upper basin of the Mississippi River — the country’s largest river system — and an array of forests and grasslands. Urban and rural areas dot the Midwest, as well as a variety of cultures and traditions.
To read more, visit the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources website.