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May 14, 2021

Bioethics center establishes new name, mission and leadership

The MSU Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences is proud to announce its new name: Center for Bioethics and Social Justice. This name change as of April 1 reflects an updated mission with a focus on social justice-oriented bioethics. The center has a vision of a health system that is compassionate, respectful and responsive to people’s needs, so that equity, inclusion and social justice are available to all.

“Without an orientation, bioethics has no built-in real-world goals; it is merely a field of study. Doing social justice-oriented bioethics means we have a goal — advancing social justice in the real world with meaningful applications — as the North Star for our journey as an institution,” said Center Director Sean Valles.

The updated name and mission follow the appointment of Valles as director earlier this year, along with the promotion of Karen Kelly-Blake to assistant director.

“One key piece of the new name and mission is a rethinking and a recommitting of our identity,” said Valles. “The Center aims to be a hub for collaborations and conversations around the relationship between social justice and health. To do that, we will actively seek to engage with our college and university colleagues, local communities and organizations in order to learn their concerns about the ways our society makes it hard to live a healthy life, and to begin trying to help.”

Read more on the MSU Bioethics website.

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