A break in storm clouds illuminates the Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture and North Kedzie Hall as dark clouds cover campus. Photo by Derrick L. Turner
Benefactor's Plaza stands as a reminder of donors whose generosity has impacted MSU greatly throughout the years. Berkey Hall can be seen in the background. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
"Bird" by Will Ryman, stands in the Old Horticulture Garden near the Student Services Building. The sculpture consists of real and fabricated steel nails. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Among its ornate décor, the North Kedzie atrium features Pewabic tiles, which will be featured in a MSU Press published 2021 book, “Pewabic Pottery: The American Arts and Crafts Movement Expressed in Clay,” by Thomas W. Brunk.
A glimpse of Beaumont tower and the MSU Museum through an Olds Hall window. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Wow. T.B. Simon Power Plant smokestack surrounded by steam clouds at sunrise. Photo by IPF Photo Archives.
COVID-19 early detection kits are ready for pickup. Jack Lipton, chairperson of the College of Human Medicine’s Department of Translational Neuroscience, and his team lead the MSU COVID-19 Early Detection Program, an innovative program to detect asymptomatic people through saliva testing. Lipton’s team developed a low-cost solution for the university that allows users to collect their own samples with the Spartan Spit Kit. Since early detection remains critical to mitigating the spread of the novel coronavirus, MSU is asking all students, faculty and staff who are on campus or in the East Lansing area to enroll in the program. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Spartans feed peanuts to the locals near Beaumont Tower on an autumn day. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
Students enjoying an autumn day on the banks of the Red Cedar. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.
"Flushing deep and softly paling, o’er ivy covered halls..." and benches at Campbell Residence Hall. Photo by Derrick L. Turner
"Sculpture of Children Reading and Fish Water Spout" by Clivia Calder Morrison, glazed with Pewabic K4 blue glaze, at the Williams Hall North Entrance. The sculpture will be featured in a new book about Pewabic Pottery by the MSU Press coming in May 2021. Photo by Derrick L. Turner.