Suzanne Lang, associate dean for faculty and administrative affairs, and director of faculty development in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources has been appointed as interim associate provost and associate vice president for academic human resources, effective July 20.
In her CANR roles, Lang oversees the academic human resources portfolio of the college, which includes support for new faculty orientation; faculty mentoring; the reappointment, promotion and tenure process for the college; grievances/administrative reviews; Academic Program Reviews; faculty awards; and support for faculty across the spectrum of their careers, via professional development programming. She also serves as the dean’s liaison to the College Advisory Council and provides AHR support to unit leaders.
Lang’s academic home is in the Department of Horticulture, where she is a scholar of whole plant physiology who has widened her focus to include teaching and learning within the classroom, faculty mentoring and evaluation of excellence in teaching. She earned her B.S. in horticulture from MSU, her M.S. in horticulture from Clemson University, and her Ph.D. in horticulture at North Carolina State University. Before joining the faculty at MSU in 2000, she served on the faculty of Washington State University and Louisiana State University.
“I am excited to be working with the AHR team during this time of transition and look forward to assisting the university in this important role,” said Lang.
Lang succeeds Theodore H. Curry II, who left the position earlier this month, as he transitions to retirement.
An internal search for the next associate provost will begin shortly, with the aim of announcing the selected candidate by the end of fall semester. Lang has indicated that she does not wish to be considered as a candidate for the permanent position and looks forward to returning to her previous role in CANR.