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Feb. 18, 2020

Associate provost and associate vice president for Academic Human Resources announces retirement

Terry Curry, associate provost and associate vice president for Academic Human Resources, has announced his intention to leave his role in the provost’s office in July to transition to retirement.

Curry has been an important resource for faculty, academic staff, executives and academic governance. In his nearly 13 years in the role, he has managed the promotion and tenure process, reviewing more than 2,000 reappointment, promotion and tenure dossiers. He also reviewed hundreds of continuing status reviews for librarians, academic specialists and FRIB faculty, among others. Curry and his team have worked closely with academic governance and the Council of Deans to revise and create policies to improve the quality, diversity and climate at MSU.

Before his appointment as associate provost, Curry served for eight years as director of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations (now Human Resources and Labor Relations). He joined the faculty of the school in 1976 rising to full professor and associate director before his appointment as director in 1999.

Details will be forthcoming of a reception later this spring to recognize Curry’s contributions to MSU.