The current novel coronavirus pandemic has challenged the Michigan State University community, but it’s not the first time the university has had to respond to such a sweeping threat to human health.
Members of the MSU community came together to help one another through the flu pandemic of 1918, also known as the Spanish flu. Now, more than 100 years later, Spartans from research labs to the front lines of health care are responding to the COVID-19 threat, finding solutions and supporting each other and others around the world.
The 1918 influenza pandemic had a devastating global impact. Nearly half a billion people became infected by the virus, with the number of deaths estimated to be 50 million. In the United States, the virus was first identified in military personnel during the spring of 1918. In the fall of 1918, an all-hands-on-deck response was playing out on the campus of MSU, then Michigan Agricultural College.
In October 1918, toward the end of World War I, the Student Army Training Corps was established at U.S. colleges, including MAC. Eight temporary barracks and two mess halls were constructed near the Horticultural Laboratory on campus to accommodate as many as 1,400 men who would train to be soldiers. Shortly after the camp opened in early October, the program at MAC was halted with the outbreak of the flu.
The virus required isolation of sick student soldiers, medical care at the SATC hospital and a quarantine across campus. The quarantine lasted nearly three weeks, with 22 people from campus and the Lansing area dying from the influenza. The SATC program was rendered futile when the end of World War I was declared on Nov. 11, 1918.
Today, the novel coronavirus has continued its spread. On May 28, the U.S. hit the somber milestone of 100,000 deaths related to COVID-19, with over 350,000 fatalities reported worldwide.
While much has changed at MSU, as well as the rest of the world, since the early 20th century, one constant is the university’s dedication to making a healthier, safer campus community and world.
Take a look at how MSU has responded to pandemics — then and now.
Campus life
In response to the 1918 flu, a quarantine was enacted across MAC’s campus that included all buildings, with the exception of Faculty Row and the Women’s Building on north campus. Sentries guarded two points of entry; one was located between the post office (near where the MSU Union now stands) and Abbot Hall (near the present day Music Practice Building), and the other between the Women’s Building (present day Morrill Plaza) and the library (known today as Linton Hall).
Anyone entering campus required a quarantine pass, a measure meant to help halt the spread of the virus among students on campus.

An enlarged quarantine district is now established to include all of the campus except Faculty Row and the Women’s Building. The sentry lines run just south of the Faculty Row drive, east to Farm Lane, and south to the barns, then west to include the shops, Wells, and the new gymnasium. There are but two “ports of entry,” one between the post office and Abbot Hall and the other between the Women’s Building and the library. Absent-minded faculty members are brought up quickly with the sharp “halt” of the sentry if they wander from the beaten paths. — The MAC Record, Oct. 25, 1918
Highlighted above: Every effort is being put forth at the MAC camp to control and stop the spread of the epidemic of Spanish influenza. On Wednesday, nearly 300 men were occupying the cots and lounging about the “base hospital” into which the new barrack buildings on the horticultural gardens have been turned. There are but very few severe cases, and not all of the 300 men confined are stricken with the influenza, many being there simply as a precautionary measure. — The MAC Record, Oct. 18, 1918
After the first cases of COVID-19 in the state of Michigan were confirmed on March 10, MSU suspended face-to-face instruction on campus, moving toward a virtual learning model for all students on March 11. MSU faculty and staff continued teaching and conducting work remotely, with essential workers remaining on campus. While students were encouraged to return to their permanent places of residence for the duration of spring semester, MSU supported all students needing to stay behind.
As of late March, nearly 2,000 students were still residing on campus. MSU Residential and Hospitality Services provided resources to the Spartans on campus, from increasing cleaning and sanitizing practices in high-traffic areas to keeping dining and market options open. Students were able to access their residence halls and designated dining halls and service centers with their MSU ID cards.
Residence Education and Housing Services built an express checkout process for spring move-out and provided details for summer session housing. For those needing accommodations for the summer, REHS is offering single room assignments in Holmes Hall. To cope with the hot summer months, air conditioners will be made available by request.