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Aug. 21, 2019

MSU affiliates elected to board of U.S. Society for Ecological Economics

Michigan State University faculty members and students from the Department of Community Sustainability and the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics have been elected to the United States Society for Ecological Economics board of directors.

The United States Society for Ecological Economics board of directors include: 

  • Robert Richardson, professor and associate chair in the Department of Community Sustainability, president of the board
  • Phillip Warsaw, assistant professor in the Department of Community Sustainability, member at-large
  • Andrew Gerard, graduate student in the Department of Community Sustainability, graduate student representative 
  • Emma Rice, environmental, economics and management major in the Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, undergraduate student representative

USSEE is an interdisciplinary group of academics and practitioners who seek to develop solutions to complex and interrelated economic, social and environmental problems.

The society is just one regional professional organization under the umbrella of the International Society for Ecological Economics.

Ecological economics is not new, but it is an increasingly important interdisciplinary field. By looking at the ways that social and natural systems overlap, researchers can better understand how economic systems interact with the environment. 

To learn more, visit their website.

By: Lindsay Mensch