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Oct. 8, 2019

Michigan Universities and Federal Agencies team up for annual conference

The MSU-FBI Academic Alliance Conference was held on Sept. 5, marking the 12th year for the annual conference.

The meeting aims to maintain relationships between universities and federal agencies and allow for ongoing dialogue related to emerging federal guidelines. The agenda for the conference this year was strongly focused on foreign influence on research, with an emphasis on current and pending legislation.

In addition to many MSU faculty and staff, guests from other universities and outside companies were among the 190 event registrants.

MSU President Stanley provided the morning welcome message and comments, including his shared desire to continue to build important and successful relationships with foreign scientists while simultaneously protecting the nation’s research integrity.

“American universities, including Michigan State, are the world’s best and lead in innovation because we are fundamentally open institutions that attract the best and brightest students and faculty from around the world,” stated Stanley. “It is important that we maintain a balance between measures designed to protect U.S. science from exploitation versus the free exchange of ideas and talent that enables great science.”

Read more in Stanley’s recent op-ed in The Hill.

Presentations and case studies from the conference included an overview of foreign government talent recruitment programs, examples of grant fraud and diversion of funds, and interactions with people and organizations on the newly growing Unverified List, maintained by the Commerce Department.

Those interested in attending the conference next year should mark the date Sept. 14, 2020 and email to be added to the mailing list.