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March 23, 2018

Sixth annual Latin IS America Series to begin March 25

Spearheaded by the Michigan State University College of Music, the sixth annual Latin IS America Series of music will feature national and internationally renowned guests in performances, workshops, scholarly discussions and film. Events will take place on MSU’s campus from March 25 through April 23.

Series highlights include an evening of world music performed by Projeto Arcomusical on the berimbau, an Afro-Brazilian bow. An innovative workshop highlights Venezuelan fusion as performed by the Jorge Glem Trio, while the MSU Capoeira ensemble will explore an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.

Upcoming events include:

April 12: Jorge Glem Trio, cuatro, percussion

April 14: Tejano Dinner and Dance Party

April 15: Film Screening: As I Walk Through the Valley

April 23: Musique 21, Pan Americanism “Revisited & Re-imagined”

Latin IS America evolved from a collaboration of university personnel, students and scholars in 2013 who saw the need to acknowledge the affect that Latin American and U.S. cultures have on one another.

“Since the start, we’ve worked to bring in an exciting mix of artists and scholars who show us how music and art can transcend boundaries and help unite us,” said Ricardo Lorenz, professor, chair of the MSU Composition Area and Latin IS America co-director. “This series celebrates our commitment to showcasing the breadth of diverse scholarship and creative interests among our faculty and students by opening the MSU campus to scholars and artists. We’re proud that the series continues to grow in size and scope each year.”

Each event offers unique music and engaging perspectives about Latin and U.S. cultural influences. Attendees can experience these dynamic qualities through music, dance, food, film and discussions presented by the College of Music. For more information, click here.

All events are free for students and open to public. A select group of events are general admission, $10 for adults and $8 for seniors.

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