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Nov. 13, 2018

Bernard Charles: Teach, even when they say 'don't'

Nov. 14, 2018

Bernard Charles earned his B.A. in integrated studies from the College of Social Science in 2012, followed by his teacher certification in secondary education in 2013 (following his internship year as part of the Teacher Preparation Program). He also was a member of the Urban Educators Cohort Program in the College of Education. He currently teaches at Renaissance High School in Detroit and has taught internationally in London and Kuwait City, Kuwait.

Reasons They Say Not to Teach
• Low pay
• No support
• Students are problematic.
• It’s for people who can’t do anything else.
• Too much work
• No growth
• No respect
• Intelligent people are elsewhere.
• No purpose

The Reasons Why I Do It Anyway
• I can shape the future of the world.
• Geography shouldn’t dictate opportunity for citizens.
• Every day is an adventure.
• Teaching brings me joy.
• I want to share my brilliance and help others find their own.
• The pay isn’t so bad. :-)
• I learn more about myself.
• I learn new ways to become resourceful.
• Every student matters.

The reason I teach is because making a difference to the present and future is critical in creating the world that I want to live in. Everyone tries to break the world down into green and white, and I am no exception.

However, my green and white has nothing to do with dollar signs. It has everything to do with being well-equipped to transform the world in which I exist — even after I leave it. The Spartan Green and White is the most valuable to me, and I teach because I have been entrusted with empowering the future and I do not take such a responsibility lightly.

I teach because education chose [me], and I enjoy being a part of such an exclusive club of brilliant individuals. #GoGreen #GoWhite #COE