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March 30, 2018

2018 Outstanding Supervisor Award call for nominations

Nominations for the 17th Annual Outstanding Supervisor Award are being accepted by the Michigan State University WorkLife Office and are due June 29.

The nomination form is available online at the WorkLife Office website:

This year’s nomination process will be electronic and the nominations will be submitted online, avoiding the need to send hard copies.

This award honors MSU supervisors who have consistently demonstrated work/life sensitivity and support of the professional/personal needs of the employees in their unit. The award is significant for the following reasons:

  • The managerial style of a supervisor has a direct impact on the quality of the employees’ work and their loyalty to the University. Any supervisor, at any employment level, from all staff and academic units may be nominated
  • In today’s difficult economic times there is a “business-case” for offering support and flexibility to enhance employees’ work/life balance. When sincere consideration is given to an individual’s personal responsibilities outside the job, absenteeism may be reduced and morale and productivity are improved
  • By recognizing the “bosses” who do it well, we are setting an example of “what makes a good supervisor.” This will serve as a model for others to illustrate what it means to be “work/life and family sensitive” in hopes of positively impacting managerial practices across campus

The Outstanding Supervisor Award committee will review the nominations and the selected recipients from various departments will be honored with surprise celebrations on or around National Bosses Day in October. Questions? Call the MSU WorkLife Office at (517) 353-1635 or email