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Nov. 29, 2016

An inspired perspective

United States Army veteran Kyle Wilson’s path to Michigan State’s College of Nursing wasn’t an easy one. 

From managing 60 medics in Korea to running a busy household, it’s clear by her actions that Wilson doesn’t have any desire to sit behind a desk. 

“I knew I wanted to be the one in the vehicle, going to see how I could help those injured,” Wilson says. “I couldn’t help but imagine how incredible an experience it would be to help save someone’s life.”

Wilson also freely admits that what she found at MSU was opportunity — and a chance to show her kids how to be a strong, independent woman. Even amidst life’s challenges, from family loss to financial issues, Wilson remains optimistic. 

“I set my mind on becoming a nurse,” said Wilson, a recent graduate from the Accelerated Second degree BSN. “It’s been a process, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I knew becoming a nurse would be a challenge, but if I wanted 'easy,' I would have gone somewhere else.”

Wilson is the recipient of the Captain Sean Grimes Nursing Endowed Scholarship, and the Sergeant Leonard Bernard Graham III Nursing Scholarship, both supporting students who have served or are actively serving in the military.

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