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July 22, 2015

Spartan Performance looks to reduce ACL injury risk in female athletes

Preventing ACL knee injuries in every athlete is a priority at MSU Spartan Performance. But, current statistics indicate that adolescent female athletes have a four-fold increased risk of injury compared to males.

ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, is one of four ligaments in the knee, which helps connect the femur to the tibia.

In an effort to reduce this injury rate, Spartan Performance will be offering a two-hour intensive camp to younger female athletes on Wednesday, August 5 from 9 to 11 a.m. The camp is open to 10- to 18-year-old athletes at the MSU Spartan Performance Clinic located at 4660 S. Hagadorn Road in the Eyde Building.

The camp will include video-recorded and analyzed box drop landing mechanics testing; education and training on proper technique for strength training including balance, agility and plyometrics; a home-exercise program based on exercises and drills performed during camp; and sports nutrition.

Cost is $40 per athlete. Team camps are also available and coaches are encouraged to call for pricing.

Spartan Performance continues to provide quality sports performance training, testing and sports nutrition to mid-Michigan youth athletes.

For information or to register, call (517) 884-6133. To learn more about Spartan Performance visit



By: Joe Eisenmann