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Feb. 18, 2015

MSU community encouraged to get 'caught green-handed'

Through March 28, the Michigan State University community is encouraged to be on its "greenest" behavior. In fact, the Office of Campus Sustainability will be rewarding those who are “caught green-handed."

The “Get Caught Green-Handed” initiative rewards environmentally friendly behavior by giving those “caught” recycling on campus a prize. The initiative is ramping up MSU's involvement in this year's RecycleMania, an annual recycling competition between more than 400 colleges and universities across North America.

To support the campaign there will be promotional tables placed in high-traffic campus areas featuring recycling-related activities and interactive displays and prizes. Staff members will encourage students, staff and faculty to increase their knowledge of what can be recycled and the Be Spartan Green Facebook and Twitter accounts will recognize students “caught” green-handed.

“A program like ‘Get Caught Green-Handed’ is great because it rewards those who are recycling properly and motivates others to think about recycling and develop good recycling habits.” said Brad Kurzynowski, student-recycling coordinator. “I think that it will really resonate with students and hopefully will lead to increased recycling on campus, even after RecycleMania is over.”

Visit for more information on MSU’s involvement, or visit for information regarding the competition.

By: Kayla Iansiti

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