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Feb. 25, 2014

MSU partner in manufacturing innovation institute

Michigan State University’s College of Engineering is partnering with a number of other universities and private sector companies in a new manufacturing innovation institute.

The creation of the American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute was announced Feb. 25 by President Barack Obama.

The $148 million project will be housed in Canton, Mich., and is expected to bring as many as 10,000 new jobs to the region.

The institute will focus on lightweight and modern metals manufacturing.

MSU’s role will center on developing advanced titanium alloys, materials that could enhance performance in transportation and energy systems, and lead to improved fuel efficiency in vehicles.

"The state of Michigan has been, is and will be the center of advanced manufacturing in the nation,” said Leo Kempel, acting dean in the MSU College of Engineering. “This new center will help to solidify that position. I am very pleased with the role that the MSU College of Engineering has played in securing this award.”

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By: Tom Oswald