Aaron Levin, MSU assistant professor of mathematics, is the recipient of one of the National Science Foundation's most prestigious and competitive awards for junior researchers—a Faculty Early Career Development grant.
CAREER awards recognize promising faculty in the early stages of their careers who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research.
Levin’s research is focused on number theory, specifically, Diophantine equations. He will use the five-year, $401,725 award to study interrelated problems revolving around the study of integral points on varieties. The grant also includes an education component, which Levin will use to further undergraduate research projects as well as an undergraduate colloquium series.
“I have a strong personal connection with undergraduate research that goes back to my freshman year in college and eventually led to my first published papers,” Levin said. “I am excited that this grant will give me an opportunity to further cultivate the potential of talented undergraduates at MSU as well as further an area of research that interests me.”
"Aaron is a rising star in the area of algebraic number theory,” Professor and chair of the MSU Department of Mathematics in the College of Natural Science Yang Wang said. “To be a recipient of this award in such a highly active and competitive research area is a testament to the quality and value of his achievements.”
Levin, who came to MSU in 2010, received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2005, followed by postdoctoral positions at the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton University and at Centro De Giorgi Mathematical Research Center in Pisa, Italy. He was also a National Science Foundation postdoc at Brown University and at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, Calif.