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March 18, 2014

Lansing Lugnuts to host 4-H Science Day

For the third consecutive year, MSU Extension 4-H Youth Development has partnered with the Lansing Lugnuts to host 4-H Science Day. Gates will open at noon for the game that begins at 2:05 p.m. April 26 in Cooley Law School Stadium.

Attendees can explore a handful of different scientific disciplines at stations around the ballpark including robotics, engineering, animal science and more. Participants also can learn the science behind throwing a curveball, keeping a baseball field green and preparing ballpark snacks.

Tickets for the event will be available to both 4-H members and non-members until April 18 for $10 each. Children less than 2 years old will be admitted for free.

Clubs and counties interested in attending the game are advised to purchase tickets together to obtain adjacent seats. To buy tickets, contact Adam Paschen at (517) 827-2486 or click on the 4-H icon at