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Jan. 9, 2014

Faculty conversations: Carol Wilson-Duffy

What would be better for a true Spartan at heart than to have a career working at MSU? Just ask Carol Wilson-Duffy.

Wilson-Duffy graduated from MSU with a degree in linguistics, came back to complete her master’s degree, and then ended up having a career here as the associate director of the English Language Center.

In a nutshell, the associate director shows teachers how to use technology and runs the ELC’s special programs, which help foreign professors abroad teach their students about American culture.

But Wilson-Duffy has gone above and beyond that. She’s also helped design syllabi and lesson plans for Lansing Community College as an English as a Second Language instructor. She’s a published author, she’s co-authored grants, has scheduled computer workshops and has put on major presentations and workshops of her own.

But what’s Wilson-Duffy’s favorite part of working in Spartan country?

“One thing I really love about teaching here at MSU is the fact that so many of the other departments are so professional,” Wilson-Duffy said. “They’re so dedicated to being a service-oriented department. Everyone is so proactive and so helpful to our students, which makes it a nice environment to work in.”

By: Annie McGraw