How does a young athlete reach that next level of competition?
A Jan. 12, 2014, Michigan State University symposium that will feature MSU baseball coach Jake Boss, will address that question and more.
The Spartan Nutrition and Performance Program will provide young athletes the opportunities to be tested in specific baseball drills and learn what it takes to improve their performance on the field through training, nutrition, mental skills and proper arm care.
Among those sharing their knowledge and expertise with the young athletes, coaches and parents are Boss, MSU Sports Medicine physician and former pro player Luke Wilcox, and current pro players Ryan Jones, originally from Haslett, and Cody Grice of DeWitt.
The event is open to athletes 13-18 years old, coaches and parents. It’s at 9 a.m. Jan. 12, 2014, at Haslett High School.
Cost is $50 per athlete for the program and $75 for the program and testing.
For information or to register, visit or call (517) 884-6133.