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Jan. 7, 2013

MSU hosts Brain Bee and Neuroscience Fair Jan. 12

The Neuroscience Program at Michigan State University is hosting its annual Brain Bee competition and 3rd annual Neuroscience Fair Jan. 12.

Both events are free and open to the public and will be held at the MSU Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building.

Scheduled from 8 a.m. to noon, the Brain Bee is a live question-and-answer competition that challenges high school students to test their knowledge of neuroscience topics, including memory, emotions, stress and addiction.

The Neuroscience Fair will run from 1:30 to 5 p.m. It will feature more than 20 hands-on activities, including putting together a brain puzzle, making a flip book that shows how the brain changes shape as it develops, seeing real neurons fire and even touching a real human brain. There also will be a treasure map for kids, with prizes to take home.

The Brain Bee is part of a national and international competition aligned with the Brain Awareness Week program coordinated by the Society for Neuroscience.

MSU organizes hands-on experiences for students before the competition, including an all-day Brain Bee Boot Camp in which students take a whirlwind tour of the brain, discussing the fundamentals of neuroscience and its application in everyday life.

Visit the Brain Bee and Neuroscience Fair website for more information.