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March 10, 2011

Staff Profiles: Lynda Boomer

Lynda Boomer’s job is to make Michigan State University a greener place.

Boomer is an energy and environmental engineer with the administration department of the university’s Physical Plant. Her job responsibilities are varied.

For one, she tracks the greenhouse gas emissions from campus, everything from the power plant emissions to emissions from the University’s transportation fleet. She’s also involved in trying to reduce MSU’s footprint through such energy conservation tactics as retro-commissioning, a process to tune-up buildings to run as efficiently as possible.

Boomer said she places importance on her interactions with students, and enjoys hearing with what energy conservation projects they are interested in.

“I really enjoy the students,” she said. “They’ve got a fresh outlook on things and are always anxious to help.

She is also interested in learning about new technologies and materials that can help MSU to become greener. For instance, she is currently looking at new biomaterials that could possibly be used at the power plant.

“I think we’re moving in the right direction towards renewable, and it’s a long process,” Boomer said. “But we’re headed in the right direction and we’re making real gains.”
