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July 1, 2011

Spartan Stadium to undergo turf replacement this summer

For the next eight weeks, Spartan Stadium will undergo turf replacement in order to be ready for the start of the 2011 football season Sept. 2. Following U2's concert June 26, cleanup efforts began in the stadium to remove the stage and the aluminum cover that went across the entire field. Michigan State sports turf manager Amy Fouty will begin the renovation process by stripping the field, taking the top 2.5-3 inches of turf and soil off, and re-grade the surface. Some areas of the field have slightly dropped since the last installation, and those areas will be leveled. Following that process, Fouty will install the new sod, which has been growing in Colorado at Graff's Turf Farms since April 2010. U2's contract included covering all costs for replacing the field, which is approximately $253,000. Read more at
