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May 19, 2010

Horses help Williamston first-grade students learn how to read

LANSING, Mich. -- Williamston students will discover the joy of reading to horses on May 20 in a project hosted by the Friends of the Michigan State University Horse Teaching and Research Center.

The Black Stallion Literacy Foundation reading project was created in 1999 to inspire first-grade children to learn how to read. The program builds upon the natural connection found between children and horses. Children learn how to read the book “Little Black, A Pony” while they practice reading to the horses housed at the MSU Horse Teaching and Research Center.

In addition to reading to the horses, students from Williamston Discovery Elementary School will rotate through interactive educational stations to learn about a variety of horse-related subjects. The activities include learning what horses eat, as well as how to raise foals, care for horses’ feet and identify tack and equipment.

The event will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. at the MSU Horse Teaching and Research Center at 3327 Collins Road.
