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Oct. 1, 2009

Staff profiles: Brian Kusch

If not for Brian Kusch and his team, activity in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University would likely come to a halt.

Kusch, a broadcast and information systems engineer, manages all the technology that keeps the college functioning — faculty and staff computer support, the computer labs throughout the building, the college’s broadcast and radio facilities and the TV studios and editing stations.

And, as if handling that workload wasn’t enough, he also teaches a class in the fall that focuses on lighting and production techniques. The class was his idea, and it’s been extremely helpful for students looking to break into film and video production.

What’s cool is every term I get one or two phone calls back from students who are out working, and they’re telling me that they were just hired on this movie set or they’re just doing this or doing that and how much they appreciate the class that I had, they took with me, because it really opened their eyes to how things really work on film production and video production sets,” Kusch said.
