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Sept. 7, 2016

Will Trump and Clinton change tactics in debates?

The two major presidential candidates will participate in a military-focused forum on Sept. 7 in New York City, in advance of the three scheduled traditional debates on Sept. 26, Oct. 9 and Oct. 19.

Will Repko, head coach of Michigan State University’s award-winning debate team and an expert on political debate, offers his thoughts on the coming debates. He can be reached at or 517.432.9667.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are atypically "known commodities.” Unlike prior election cycles, few voters would say that they are unfamiliar with Trump or Clinton. Thus, the debates may provide candidates an opportunity to showcase a different side of themselves.

During debates in the primaries, Trump controlled the "time of possession clock.” It will be interesting to see if he continues that blueprint. Trump knows that he risks being accused of being too blunt or "cutting off" his opponents. On the other hand, most candidates crave the extra airtime.

When commenting on Trump, Clinton has been forceful in content, but often reserved in tone. Part of her narrative has been about "temperament.” Will she continue to stay reserved or will she ramp up her tone?

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