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Oct. 24, 2016

The gift of the present

New York native and University Enrichment Fellow Joyce-Zoe Farley believes that examining the past can unlock answers for the future. 

The recipient of multiple fellowships and a Columbia University alumna, Farley could have chosen to pursue her graduate education around the digital humanities anywhere in the country — but chose Michigan State for the freedom she would have to pursue her passions.  

“Here at MSU it’s like, a gateway to opportunity,” Farley says. “There are so many things to explore because we’re hooked up to so many different avenues of opportunity, fellowships and study abroad.” 

Farley, who is currently working toward a doctorate at MSU, is examining race, riots and rebellion in 1967 Detroit. Since 2009, she has worked to gather oral histories of those who lived through the uprisings, which will ultimately become a thesis project.  

Learn more about supporting graduate students like Joyce-Zoe at Michigan State University

By: Sarah Wardell