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Jan. 13, 2016

Project 60/50 Quilted Conversation series to begin Jan. 18

Project 60/50 is collaborating with the MSU Museum, the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, the Clerical-Technical Union and other community partners to host a community engagement and exhibition series.

The series is titled “60/50 Quilted Conversations: Materializing Civil and Human Rights” and will start during the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on Jan. 18 in the MSU Union.

The series includes a Community Quilt Project in which participants can contribute a quilt block that relates to a topic or issue pertaining to civil and human rights. The blocks will be assembled into quilts that transform thoughts into conversation and action. Additionally, quilts from the MSU Museum’s collection of human rights quilts will be showcased at pop-up exhibits.

For more information and submission guidelines go here.

By: Audrey Bentley