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Feb. 12, 2015

Recognizing groups, individuals for excellence in diversity

Groups and individuals who have exemplified diversity and inclusion in extraordinary ways will be honored with Excellence in Diversity Awards at the 2015 All-University Excellence in Diversity Awards Ceremony and Reception Feb. 16.

The ceremony will take place at 4 p.m. in Big Ten Room A of the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center.

Following is a list of EIDA recipients.

Emerging Progress - individual 

Blair Fleet, doctoral candidate, electrical and computer engineering, College of Engineering

Sustained Effort toward Excellence in Diversity - individual 

Laura Dillon, professor, computer science and engineering, College of Engineering

Naoko Wake, assistant professor, Lyman Briggs College and Department of History

Advancing Global Competency - individual 

Gary Willyerd, professor and associate dean, Detroit Medical Center, College of Osteopathic Medicine

Emerging Progress - teams
Immigration Law Clinic, College of Law

Theatre 60/50 Project, Department of Theatre

Excellent Progress toward Advancing Diversity within Community

James Madison College

Making a Difference Through Artistic Expression Award

Stephen Foster, senior, studio art, College of Arts and Letters

Katie Raynard, senior, apparel and textile design, College of Arts and Letters

More information on EIDA can be found here.