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Jan. 20, 2014

MSU Museum to present annual Darwin Discovery Day

The MSU Museum will present its 10th annual Darwin Discovery Day from 1 to 5 p.m. on Feb. 9.

The afternoon of science, exploration and discovery honors the work of deceased scientist Charles Darwin.

The following presentations and attractions will be available as part of the event:

  • MSU Museum naturalist Jim Harding, “the Critterguy,” will show off live critters from the MSU Herpetology Club.
  • MSU Fisheries and Wildlife Club members will teach about the conservation of endangered species.
  • Kids can become junior scientists in the Darwin Kidzone, which is supervised by MSU Darwin scholar Rich Bellon.
  • MSU Museum staff will give behind-the-scenes tours of museum collections.
  • Interesting specimens from the museum’ dinosaur casts will be on display in Habitat Hall.

Visitors also can bring in a rock, bone, fossil, tooth or other natural object for museum curators and faculty members to identify. More information can be found here.