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Aug. 1, 2014

MSU launches revamped misconduct hotline

A revamped hotline and website now give members of the MSU community the opportunity to anonymously report any form of misconduct to authorities.

The hotline, which can be accessed at 800-763-0764 or at, gives Spartans the opportunity to anonymously report misconduct to a third-party in any number of areas, including athletics, conflicts of interest, discrimination and harassment, fiscal misconduct, medical, privacy, research, safety or any issue of compliance.

The initiative expands a fiscal misconduct hotline MSU set up in 2005.

“MSU recognized the need to expand this resource to all forms of misconduct,” said Tom Luccock of MSU’s Internal Audit Department. “Now, any member of the MSU community has one hotline they can use to report any form of misconduct.”

Luccock reminds Spartans that the hotline is not for reporting emergencies; if you need immediate assistance, please call 911.

By: Jason Cody