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Nov. 11, 2010

Staff profiles: Susan Goodrich

As the administrative associate for the College of Communication Arts and Sciences, Sue Goodrich takes pride in using both parts of her brain to keep the college running smoothly.

“In my budget role as one who pays particular attention to the ‘counting of the beans,’ it requires me to exercise the left side. But the really cool thing about working here in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences is that we also have incredibly creative faculty and students around our college,” she said.

One of the rewards of her job, Goodrich says, is learning about the opportunities and challenges at the university level, and working with those within the college context. She also enjoys exchanging and sharing “lessons learned” with her peers across campus.

Goodrich is involved with one such project right now. Throughout the last year, she has been part of a team helping to prepare MSU for the new finance and human resources/payroll systems as part of the Enterprise Business Systems Project, perhaps the most wide-ranging business systems change in MSU’s history.
