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Oct. 17, 2017

Ross Chowles: Minds Wide Open in pictures

Oct. 18, 2017

Ross Chowles (above, far right) is an academic specialist in the Department of Advertising and Public Relations in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences. He recently participated as a mentor in Minds Wide Open, an international competition for advertising students, faculty and professionals from around the world. His team, Apero, was awarded the gold for their campaign.

I started to write something about my experience at Minds Wide Open and it struck me that words would not suffice to explain the week. Instead, I did it in pictures.

poster of various famous art showing a patient, a face, paint splatters, a crying woman, a graphc face, Marilyn Monroe and a sleeping couple

Larger version of image

Read more in the Student View: Rachel Tang – Minds Wide Open