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April 17, 2009

Faculty conversations: Jeff Wray

His title is professor. But beyond teaching, he’s also a filmmaker.

“I love filmmaking, and I really love to teach filmmaking,” said Jeff Wray, an associate English professor in the film studies program. “I always tell my students, ‘Go out and make your own films.’”

Wray’s six films (the seventh has been in progress for awhile, but don’t pressure him – art doesn’t come with a magic wand) have been featured all over the world. His most widely-known film was “China,” a story of a middle-aged man who’s sick of his life and starts taking martial arts lessons, much to the chagrin of his wife.

“That film (“China”) premiered on PBS, and has been getting great reviews,” he said. “I actually just watched it again (last week) and I liked it even more this time.”

Wray said his screenwriting and film production students continually “gear him up” for when he makes his own films. And Wray isn’t the type of person who’ll let his ego stop him from learning, even if his students have less experience.

“They constantly inspire me,” he said.
